My user script ( offers an
option to poll the API for new updates and insert them in the page --
what every normal twitter client does, basically.

Only this twitter "client", being a user script, hasn't got a UI of
its own -- the site is the UI. When a new update is
detected, I receive it as JSON but then I have to go through a painful
step of generating HTML markup to match the markup of for
a single update. This code can be seen here:

This step is also very fragile: when changes markup (which
it does a lot lately), this script generates obsolete HTML.

If the API for getting updates provided HTML fragments instead of
JSON, I could simply insert the received HTML in the page.

Will this extension of the API ever be considered?

Technically, this should be trivial to implement -- the response would
be a rendered view partial. In fact, Twitter already implemented it as
part of the Ajax API for the web. When you post an update from the
main form on the site, an Ajax request submits the update and gets
JSON in return -- only this JSON includes nothing more than a few
properties with HTML fragments to be inserted in appropriate places.

Another place where returns HTML fragments for Ajax
requests is pagination. The unreleased version of Endless Tweets (my
user script) already uses this web API to preload pages while the user
scrolls down.


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