I would guess that there won't be a form to take CSV files but perhaps
there will be a temporary API method that jus returns access tokens.
The CSV file would have to include the users passwords to verify that
the submitter actually had permission to edit their profiles. Probably
not a good idea to have CSV files with loads of Twitter
username:passwords hanging around.

It is a little bit more work but you already have the basic auth code
and you will have to write the OAuth code. Might as well have them
running in parallel with an if check to see if they have set up OAuth


On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 15:23, Ivan <ivan.kiri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I apologize if this has already been addressed.
> Is there an automated way to convert a set of twitter users in a 3rd
> party application (i.e. usernames and passwords), into usable OAuth
> credentials?
> If not, this makes the transition difficult, both because additional
> user action is required and app logic needs to include provisions for
> different kinds of twitter accounts. That's translates to lots of
> friction for the whole twitter developer userbase.
> I'd be fine with a one-off mechanism that isn't open to an API but
> involves submitting a CSV file or something like it to a form.
> Thanks,
> Ivan
> http://tipjoy.com

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