I wonder if it might be an acceptable compromise for twitter to not
count certain requests against an authenticated user.  These request
should theoretically not be much if any more expensive in CPU or
bandwidth than the rate limit check itself.

I propose that any request with a since_id that does not return any
results not apply to the 100 request/hour limit.

A request like this would result in a very quick indexed primary key
lookup in the datasource being used to store the data.  Also, in the
case that no new items existed there would be no data returned to use
datasource server bandwidth and it would not use any more bandwidth on
the webserver than a 400 rate limit exceeded message.

Perhaps these request should still be rate limited, but with higher
caps.  This would allow developers to provide nearly real-time updates
in our clients without necessitating something extreme like
implementing some Firehose based distribution system.

Between trying to keep friend-statuses, user-statuses, @replies,
direct messages sent, direct messages received, the following list,
and the followers list all somewhat in sync puts a pretty heavy burden
on the 100 request/hour limit.  Especially considering the case where
someone has a multiple clients on a laptop, work desktop, home
desktop, and/or iPhone puts developers in a bit of a predicament.


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