Great tip! This should become a great thread with cURL tips.

Below shows how to send POST data (note the -d flag):

curl -u username:password -d status="Updating with cURL"

You can also send GET requests:

curl -u username:password

What else does the community have to offer when it comes to our
favorite API unit test framework :)

Doug Williams
Twitter API Developer Support

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 3:14 PM, TjL <> wrote:
> I'm not sure how many other people know this, so my apologies if this
> is "Duh" material, but I've never worked much with curl before (always
> been a lynx man :-)
> If you use 'curl --netrc' curl will check ~/.netrc for your Twitter
> login information.
> Just enter your Twitter login information like this:
> machine
>        login twitreport
>        password SuPerSEkret
> Obviously change 'twitreport' to your Twittername and 'SuPerSEkret' to
> your password.  It can all be on one line if you prefer.
> The nice thing is that this keeps your password from appearing in 'ps'
> and you don't have to type it in each time, just add --netrc and it
> will happen automatically.
> TjL

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