On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 7:27 PM, atebits <loren.brich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just to confirm: "EXTREME prejudice" as in "140 *bytes* as defined by
> UTF-8 with HTML entity encoding only for special (< > &) characters?

Just to interject: & has not been specially encoded except for during
a brief time when " was also converted to &quot; and counted as 5
characters and &amp; equalled 4. This was un-done in a matter of days,
if not less.

I'd reiterate that there's no need to encode > as &rt;

If you are encoding < as &lt; there's no risk of someone getting an
<img> tag or <a href tag to work, so maybe there is an argument for a
left tag, but there's really no need to encode a right tag.

Figured I'd throw that out there FWIW


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