Thanks for the input guys, we do have the screen name also, I just assumed since the status_id was unique that there was an HTML URL that would go directly to it.

Nick Arnett wrote:

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Doug Williams < <>> wrote:

    If you only have a status id and you would like to construct a
    URL, you are going to have to use a call to statuses/show [1] to
    get the screen name for the user then construct the URL accordingly:

I think the original poster, whose question I was (flailing around) trying to answer, was probably hoping for an HTML page.

Oh, I see what you're saying... use the API call to construct the link with the user name. Probably not the answer he wants, but we'll see. There is no link that returns HTML that doesn't have the screen name in it, I'm assuming.


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