There is a rate limit for the Search API but it is higher than 100 requests
per second imposed by the REST API. The limiting is performed by the IP
address. The default limit is high enough that most applications shouldn't
be affected.

As the search architecture has no notion of accounts, it would be difficult
to add account-based limiting. We do however whitelist IP addresses in the
event that the higher limit is warranted.

Doug Williams
Twitter API Support

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 11:14 AM, benjamin <brande...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've noticed that the Search API page has recently been changed to
> say:
> "The standard API rate limiting is liberal enough for most use cases.
> If you find yourself encountering these limits, please contact us and
> describe your app's requirements."
> Recently, this page stated that the rate for search is not limited. A
> week ago, Alex Payne stated here that there is not limit on the search
> API use; is this still the case, and the wording on the API Wiki is
> irrelevant? Or has the 100 req/hr limit been imposed on the search API
> as well?
> If the search API has been limited, is there a possibility of adding
> an authenticated search so that developers can apply for rate limit
> increases via their accounts, rather than a static IP that may not be
> feasible for their application?
> Thanks.

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