Q: Is there a way in the API to input an email address and output a
twitter username? I couldn't see anything in the API.

Background (for those who may be interested :-)

When TwitReport gets an email-forward from a user, it comes in
basically two formats:

1) Automatically forwarded by Gmail filter

2) Not Gmail

Gmail (and perhaps some other clients) will forward and maintain all
of the headers.

Most other mail clients, including Apple's Mail.app, will forward, but
will not maintain all of the headers.

This means that the headers telling me the Twitter username of the
person who sent me the email is lost.

WITH the Twitter username of the person requesting the TwitReport, I
can show some nice relationship graphs based on mutual followers, etc.

Without that, however, the reports are a lot less interesting.

Without an API way to make this lookup, I have a few (bad) options:

1) Scrape the content of the email looking for the name by looking for
the "Hi, RealName (TwitterName)."

2) Just don't offer this improved functionality

3) Maintain my own list/database of email addresses <--> Twitter
usernames that I manually compile/update.

4) Convince all users to switch to Gmail/Google Apps

I started with #1, got frustrated and gave up, moved to #2, and am now
getting requests for this functionality so I'm thinking about #1 vs #3
although frankly #4 is the best solution :-)


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