
I think the problem you're trying to solve here is: given a URL of the
form, is xxx a valid twitter username? (At
least that's a problem that I'm trying to solve for an application I'm

A static list of such xxx's, although interesting, can't be developed
given the current naming convention for pages in the twitter web site,
because the xxx's that aren't valid usernames are all pages in the
website. As the website expands, as it has recently, the list will

So, what to do?

I have two suggestions, neither of which I really like, but that's
often the case when ya have to consider backward compatibility in
crafting solutions:

1) Add a method to the API that returns a list of xxx's that are not
valid user names but are twitter website pages; an application would
call this whenever it needed the list. Better than having a static
list in applications, which would require redistribution of the
applications whenever the list changes, but I worry about the list
being kept accurate (Unfortunately, I have had bad experiences with
these kinds of lists.).

2) Twitter changes the structure of their site so that URLs for valid
users are something like, with the
guarantee that a URL of that form would never be used for anything but
a valid user. (I don't see twitter making a change like this, but I
could be wrong. And there are backward compatibility problems with
URLs that are already archived or cached someplace.)

Comments expected and welcome.

Jim Renkel

On Mar 15, 8:36 am, richardhenry <> wrote:
> Could anyone help me complete a list ofreservedTwitter usernames?
> I'm talking about the usernames that cannot be registered because
> they're used in Twitter URLs.
> @home
> @account
> @admin
> @help
> @login
> @signup
> @about
> @replies
> @direct_messages
> @favorites
> @public_timeline
> @invitations
> @downloads
> @jobs
> @terms
> @privacy
> @sessions
> Is this everything, or have I missed anything?
> Richard

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