I'm working on a Twitter dashboard widget for Mac OS X (http://
airmailr.com) that's currently chugging along in private beta.
However, I've recently noticed that the OAuth beta is no longer
private and feel it'd be a wise move to integrate it into my app
before going public.

I'm pretty sure I've got an alright understanding of how OAuth works,
but I'm slightly concerned over usability and implementation.
Specifically, from the widget perspective, it's fairly easy to force
Safari to open and direct the user to the Twitter authorize_url. From
there, however, I'm not sure how to handle the situation of a callback
url to grab a valid AccessToken.

Pownce for the iPhone handles this by setting a callback URL to a
specific protocol (pownce://) which launches the app and grabs the
AccessToken that way.

I'm probably being dim, but is there a better way to handle this?

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