Ahhh! I think you are right. I did not paid attention that there is a
good reason for having the "@<original author> in the reply box. I had
removed it and then got this as a regular update??
I am new to Twitter so did not this rule. Could you confirm?


On Mar 26, 6:29 am, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you sure they @replies from the other account are actually getting
> marked as @replies?
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 01:08, Brother <obran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am trying to get replies to a twitt I am creating programmatically.
> > The returned JSON from the creation of the status is:
> > {"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"favorited":false,"user":
> > {"followers_count":3,"description":null,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/
> > static.twitter.com\/images\/
> > default_profile_normal.png","screen_name":"obrand","url":null,"name":"obrand","protected":false,"location":null,"id":
> > 12001302},"text":"Test to
> > twitter","in_reply_to_user_id":null,"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"created_at":"Thu
> > Mar 26 05:33:19 +0000 2009","truncated":false,"id":
> > 1392831512,"source":"web"}
> > I go on the Twitter site using a different account and reply to this
> > twitt.
> > Then I perform the following:
> > curl -u obrand:mypassword
> >http://twitter.com/statuses/replies.json?since_id=1392831512
> > And get nothing???
> > What am I doing wrong? I thought I could use the id returned in the
> > creation of the status (in the attached JSON) and use it to get any
> > replies to it (as I am trying to do via CURL)
> > What am I doing wrong?
> > Olivier
> --
> Abraham Williams |http://the.hackerconundrum.com
> Web608 | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
> This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> Sent from: Madison WI United States.

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