Hi. Thanks. Well I tried it from a shared server. I got some success
but then I added

echo "<p>Response:<br /><hr /><pre>$response</pre><hr /></p>n";
httpRequest('twitter.com', '/statuses/update.xml?status=I am testing
the Twitter API', 'POST');
echo "<p>Response:<br /><hr /><pre>$response</pre><hr /></p>n";
httpRequest('twitter.com', '/statuses/update.xml?status=Test+Test
+1+2+3!', 'POST');
echo "<p>Response:<br /><hr /><pre>$response</pre><hr /></p>n";

just underneath the line: //<!-- Replace the following code for later
examples from the article -->

but it does not seem to write to my account.
Also, the webpage takes a long time to load (about 90 secs) and then
Contacting Twitter...







with three sets of two horizontal lines.

Any idea why it is not writing to my account?


On Mar 30, 12:11 pm, Ed Finkler <funkat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, first off, the "Fatal error" is happening because PHP on your
> install is set-up to time-out scripts after 60 seconds (this is to
> avoid runaway processes on the server).
> I'm not sure exactly why your socket connection is timing out. One
> possibility is that a local firewall is blocking outgoing connections
> until you explicitly allow them.
> I'd recommend installing a Windows binary of curl for testing on the
> command line, and also grabbing a copy of the Charles debugging proxy
> to see what's actually being sent and received (if anything!).
> --
> Ed Finklerhttp://funkatron.com
> Twitter:@funkatron
> AIM: funka7ron
> ICQ: 3922133
> XMPP:funkat...@gmail.com
> On Mar 29, 10:37 pm, Bill <william...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi, I tried to access the twitter API with the following code but I
> > get the error:
> > Contacting Twitter...
> > n
> > Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp
> > \htdocs\twitter.php on line 26
> > I am running this from an apache server on my home computer 
> > at:
> > I have not applied for any special account with twitter, just my
> > regular twitter id and password were entered. Can anyone tell me why
> > this is not working?
> > Thanks!
> > <?php
> > $twitter_username = 'xxxx';
> > $twitter_password = 'xxxx';
> > $errno = 0;
> > $errstr = '';
> > $response = '';
> > function httpRequest($host, $path = '/', $method = 'GET') {
> >   global $errno, $errstr, $response;
> >   global $twitter_username, $twitter_password;
> >   $header  = "$method $path HTTP/1.1rn";
> >   $header .= "Host: $hostrn";
> >   $header .= "Accept-Encoding: nonern";
> >   $header .= "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode
> > ("{$twitter_username}:{$twitter_password}") . "rn";
> >   $header .= "Connection: Closernrn";
> >   $sock = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
> >   if (!$sock) {
> >       die("<p><strong>fsockopen() error:</strong><br />$errstr ($errno)
> > </p>");
> >   } else {
> >       fwrite($sock, $header);
> >       while (!feof($sock)) {
> >       $response .= fgets($sock, 128);
> >       }
> >       fclose($sock);
> >       $response = trim(str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;',
> > '&gt;'), $response));
> >       return true;
> >   }
> > }
> > echo "<p>Contacting Twitter...</p>n";
> > //<!-- Replace the following code for later examples from the article
> > -->
> > httpRequest('twitter.com');
> > echo "<p>Response:<br /><hr /><pre>$response</pre><hr /></p>n";
> > ?>

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