Hi Leo,

The update method should take a source parameter, but you have to register one first. Check out http://apiwiki.twitter.com/FAQ#INeedSomething

  — Matt Sanford / @mzsanford

On Mar 30, 2009, at 08:04 AM, leo wrote:

I am working on a wpf twitter client that talks to the twitter api
with wcf.  My experience had been pretty good so far and had not run
into a lot of issues.

However, I just realized that the status/update method in the twitter
api does not support the "source" parameter.  I've looked at a number
of other open source twitter client and found out they construct the
post requests manually with a source parameter and uses the
HttpWebRequest class to make the request.  Is there any way to specify
the source parameter for status/update in wcf?

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