On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Cameron Kaiser <spec...@floodgap.com>wrote:

> > > Yes, but it seems TMTOWTDI with RTs because I've also seen "xyzpdq (via
> > > @omglol)", "retweet @omglol: xyzpdq", etc. There's too much variation
> in
> > > syntax.
> >
> > ??????????????????????
> There's More Than One Way To Do It
> ... I imagine there's not a big Perl crowd on this list. *le sigh*

I got it - how young is this list? I'm only 31, but I guess that's old these
days.  Perl's much more widely used than people think, I think.  Anyone
noticed the YAML::Syck messages in SMS from Twitter lately?


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