
I've been looking around the API (and the search.twitter.com pages)
and I believe it's not possible to find all the tweets that are in
direct reply to a specific status_id.

I know I can get all the replies *since* a specific status_id, but
this gives me the latest replies - so if it was some time ago I can't
see the real replies.

It would be really useful to see direct replies to X status_id to be
able to track a conversation.

I've also tried the search.twitter.com API, but it looks like the
since_id breaks the request:

Specifically since there's the 'in_reply_to' key in the return object
from the statuses.  Even better if we didn't need to have an
authenticated session to get the conversation.

Anyway - be great if it was considered for the API - happy to add the
request to the issues log if you think it's worth while.


-- Remy Sharp

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