In early March [1] we ran a survey to understand what effect it would have
on developers to remove the since parameter and If-Modified-Since header
support for timeline methods. The feedback from this survey and the
continuing discussion indicates we can remove these parameters and reap the
performance benefits without a large impact to developers.

The since_id parameter is immensely more popular for timeline methods and
will be our recommended method for downloading timeline updates into the
future. The removal of the parameter and header will not break any
functionality. Rather, you will notice that unfiltered feeds will be
returned. From the application's perspective, it will appear as if the since
parameter or If-Modified-Since header are ignored.

Please use the next few days to update your application to use the since_id
parameter if it is currently using since/If-Modified-Since. This deprecation
will happen when the deploy hits our server in the middle to end of the


Doug Williams
Twitter API Support

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