No, I am making a POST request. Now I see in the API documentation
that it is a GET to be used. But POST used to work till last
Wednesday. Was it a change in the API?


On Apr 10, 11:48 pm, Doug Williams <> wrote:
> Are you making a GET request?
> Doug Williams
> Twitter API Support
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:34 AM, nattu <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am getting 400 Bad Request error from Twitter for the API call
> > 'account/verify_credentials'.
> > As perhttp://apiwiki.twitter.comthis occurs when the rate limit of
> > 100 requests per 60 minute is exceeded. But I have verified thrice
> > that the requests have not exceeded this limit at any time. Also I am
> > not receiving any notification in return to the API call, as mentioned
> > in the documentation. What might be the possible cause? This is
> > crucial for our application's performance.
> > Kindly help me out. Thanks

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