Hm, I'm always calling write stuff, like /status/update, with POST -
actually I thought it's not possible to GET those calls. Still not
working on my end, even if I try around with those headers.

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Bluespark <> wrote:
> I have got my Python library working.  It simply is just changing the
> GET to post. When you encode your token and other items, you have to
> make sure you change this to a POST for the /status/update method.
> Calling status/update with a GET got me the 401 Authorization failed.
> This was a pretty easy fix, once you know where to look in your
> library.
> On Apr 11, 5:07 pm, jmathai <> wrote:
>> I am having this problem as well.  GETs work fine but POSTs do not.  I
>> don't have any Authorization headers.
>> On Apr 10, 10:37 am, Chen Jie <> wrote:
>> > I got a workaround for POST, I removed Authorization info in Header,
>> > then the POST request passed.
>> > On Apr 10, 8:50 pm, max <> wrote:
>> > > I have the same problem since this morning, pretty strange, looked
>> > > over my code but I really don't see anything wrong.
>> > > On Apr 10, 4:27 am, HSL <> wrote:
>> > > > Anyone else has the problem that posting a status update through OAuth
>> > > > gives the error: "failed to validate oauth signatre or token" since a
>> > > > few hours?

Dominik Schwind

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