Hi all

I've been getting a lot of mails telling me people are following me, but
when I click to take a look at the person I am not being followed by them.

At first I just assumed this was some kind of eventual consistency issue
with Twitter and that the web interface was showing the person with a
slightly out of date follower list.  When I check with the API I also don't
see the person as following me.

I've seen this (I guess) 20 times in the last few days.

I'm wondering what's going on. Is it just spammers (or others) creating
accounts, following many people, then immediately unfollowing? I also read
about the StalkDaily worm, so (if the worm exists and works as described) I
suppose if you wanted to infect people you could create new accounts and 
then just follow/unfollow people. See

Often twitter.com with show the person who's apparently following (but
isn't or no longer is) as following a high numeric number, but the number
of little icons of people they're following will be much much smaller.
That, I think, is just Twitter not having caught up with itself.

Anyway, I'm just commenting out loud, and wondering whether others are
seeing this. I imagine it must be widespread.


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