I have an app that posts new profile images using update_profile_image
in the API.
as of about 3 some weeks ago (rough guess) the images uploaded are
coming up broken, though I'm still getting a success status.

I dug through this group and found a curl example for testing this API

curl -F 'ima...@path/to/image' -H 'Expect:' -u USERNAME:PASSWORD

I ran that in the terminal and got a xml return that seemed to
indicate success, it showed me the same (or similar) out put as /users/
show/username.xml, with the exception that the new profile image I
used in the curl command is not represented, instead it's still the
previous image, but on twitter.com/home the image is broken.

I haven't changed my code, but I don't know how to rule my code out.
Is running this through Charles proxy the next step here, or is this a
known issue?


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