Ok, I've dug into some basics of OAuth and also the code of Tweet#.
After authorization, I'm armed with my user record and a map of it to
an OAuth token (A) and secret (T1).  Now, weeks later, the user
returns to my site with no cookies (let's say).  So I show them the
Twitter signin button.  They click it.  My server calls RequestToken
from Twitter and gets a token (and a secret?).  It sends them to
Twitter, they login, and then Twitter redirects to me with a OAuth
Token (A) on the URL.

That's where I'm confused:what do I do next?  If I try to turn that
OAuth Token into an access token, it fails, assumedly because it
already is an auth token.  But I must have to contact Twitter somehow
to verify that the oauth token the browser passed me is still good

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