Until today, overwhelming and burgeoning were both adjectives that described
our issue list [1]. Today I am proud to report that it is now consumable,
pleasant, and even helpful. Everything that you find in that list is
currently owned by our team or awaiting verification.

Moving forward this is how we want to continue to use this list. We want
developers to know what we are currently working on so they can plan
accordingly. This list should serve as the definitive guide.

Some of you have already noticed [2] that we have closed or moved many of
the defects or enhancements that used to reside on that list. We have
created a V2 Roadmap document [3] where we will store such longterm goals.
Please note that the introduction indicates we make no promises or
guarantees when or if these items will be delivered. Finally, there were a
few issues that were simply closed to reflect that they were not going to be
fixed in the foreseeable future.

We think that this physical separation of priorities will continue to assist
developers in understanding where our priorities lie. As such we are going
to implement the following policy changes for the issues list:

1) We are going to be more frank with priorities. If something is of value
but not a high priority in the near-term, it will be placed on the Roadmap
[3] document.
2) If a reported issue can be classified as a defect, a high value
enhancement, or as low-hanging fruit it will be assigned accordingly.
3) If a defect is reported without a detailed explanation, it will be
promptly closed. We want to promote good habits where defect reports are
more about helping engineers find problems, and less about discussing proper
bug reporting (as is often the case).

Finally, there is but one change we will be making over the next few weeks
to communicate more effectively with developers. Transparency and
predictability are a common concern so one step at a time, let's fix the
fractured conversation. As always, please forward me any suggestions:


Doug Williams
Twitter API Support

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