Got it Matt - thanks!


On Apr 27, 9:38 am, Matt Sanford <> wrote:
> Hi there,
>      We're working to make the window of tweets you can search longer  
> but we've had some technical limitations to work out. Once we have  
> passed these issues we should be able to make the window larger but I  
> think it is unlikely we will ever support searching all tweets.
> Thanks;
>   – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
>       Twitter Dev
> On Apr 25, 2009, at 10:46 AM, Esé wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've been trying to dig up some older tweets by date range (from last
> > year) and the results keep coming up empty. I found this post from
> > Matt here 
> > -
> > -
> > "The reason for your error is that the since: date you  provided is
> > older than the data currently available. We plan to improve the error
> > messaging when we merge the search and main APIs, so hopefully things
> > will be clearer after that.
> >     We try to keep as much search data on hand as we can but we're
> > currently limited on disk space. As the rate of tweets increases we
> > need more and more disk to keep old data on hand. We've ordered more
> > disks and await them eagerly. Once those are installed the date range
> > for searches can start growing again. Sorry for the confusing error
> > messaging. "
> > So, currently, are only the past 7 days or so indexed? And would there
> > be an ETA as to when all the archived tweets are finally made
> > available or are you folks still fighting the happy problem of just
> > trying to not get swamped right now? :-)
> > Thanks!
> > E.

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