Issue 532 [1] covers a friendships/mutual method that ameliorates what
friendships/exists attempts to do. On paper this appears to be a good home
for this information. Let me check with @al3x.



Doug Williams | Platform Support | Twitter, Inc.

539 Bryant St. Suite 402, San Francisco, CA 94107

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Craig Hockenberry <> wrote:

> If a user has protected updates, a call to /friendships/exists returns
> a 403. That, combined with an empty or inaccurate "following" value in
> the user data returned by the API means that there's no way for a
> client to get the current following status of a protected user.
> (It can't be inferred by the 403 error either: the requester may be
> following, but it might not have been approved by the person being
> queried.)
> From what I can tell, the basic probem is that friendships really have
> three states now: following, not following and pending. It would be
> nice to have the /friendships/exists API method (or something similar)
> could provide this state so it can be represented correctly in a
> client application.
> -ch

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