On May 4, 2009, at 10:14 PM, Arik Fraimovich wrote:

You're right. After doing a quick reading yesterday, I realized that I
can configure Postfix to do this validations for me.
The only reason I'm still considering doing the DomainKeys validation
in my code is because I heard more than once that DomainKeys is still
not stable enough and can cause problems. Having it in my code instead
of Postfix configuration makes it more maintainable, isn't it?

DK was abandonded by Yahoo awhile ago, but DKIM is very stable. Twitter runs DKIM signing and verification code on all of our mail servers, as does Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and many other major sites.

With regards to maintainability, it depends if you're the admin, or the developer, I suppose. Both come with their own levels of associated work.


John Adams
Twitter Operations

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