Glad that you are finally getting around to this.
I posted it April 10th

On May 6, 10:28 am, jmathai <> wrote:
> That would work.  So would something a a bit simpler.
> I am not sure I see the need for the username to be passed back.
> Seems like that could easily be done by the site.  Also unsure as to
> why the special key is needed if it's always just returned as a
> parameter.
> Is this something that can be specified in the OAuth specs?  Would be
> nice to have a standard way to handle this very valid OAuth flow.
> On May 5, 10:36 am, Doug Williams <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to decide if this could easily be part of [1]? Any objections for
> > these to be one in the same?
> > 1.
> > Thanks,
> > Doug
> > --
> > Doug Williams
> > Twitter Platform Support
> > On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 8:27 AM, jmathai <> wrote:
> > > When the user clicks decline the flow is abruptly disrupted.  I didn't
> > > see anything in the OAuth spec that specifies how a "decline" is
> > > handled.
> > > It would be nice if there was a "decline" url that the application
> > > could specify which the user is redirected to.

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