There is not a mobile friendly version yet, but the issue been accepted:

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On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Michael Pelz-Sherman
<> wrote:
> Yes, fortunately I was able to get it working in "a few hours" as well, by
> adapting some modifications made by Chris Kompton
> (
> I was planning on spending those hours doing other stuff, but that's not
> such a huge deal. :-)
> I am still concerned about how OAuth will affect the user experience of my
> app.
> The main issue is that the OAuth authorization web page doesn't display well
> on the iphone.
> Is there a mobile-friendly version of that page?
> - Michael
> ________________________________
> From: Zachary West <>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 6:11:46 PM
> Subject: [twitter-dev] Re: The OAuth Conundrum
> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 18:05, MPS <> wrote:
>> I thought I'd add my $.02 to this thread.
>> I'm working on an iPhone app that uses the Twitter API.
>> This is a side project for me with a small budget and tight timelines.
>> I'm using Matt Gemmel's Objective-C library to integrate with Twitter.
>> Everything was going along smoothly, until I realized that in order to
>> get Twitter to acknowledge my app (i.e. tweets from my app say "from
>> web" rather than "from [my app]"), I need to use OAuth.
>> (Older apps are being "grandfathered" in. How nice for them.)
>> Matt's library doesn't support OAuth, and attempts by others to patch
>> it have been less than successful.
> Feel free to check out the modifications I made for Adium:
> This uses OAuth Consumer.framework and works pretty well. I don't know
> how well it translates over to the iPhone (the OAuth consumer part),
> but the OAuth details are ridiculously easy.
> Beware though, if you venture out of that folder you're going to have
> to GPL (that's where the OAuth token exchange, etc, happens. The
> example code on the OAuth website should help though).
>> From my perspective, the requirement to use OAuth has added days of
>> overhead to my project (blowing my estimates) and negatively impacted
>> the user experience.
> I found I was able to do it in a few hours, really.
>> For what it's worth, I agree completely with Josh; OAuth isn't adding
>> value to anyone in this scenario. But it seems I've arrived too late
>> to this party. :-(
>> - Michael
> @zacwest

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