Yeah, JSONLint calls it valid, and every JS person I've talked to says
it should be valid - so it seems there's a bug in ActiveSupport.

In any case, this isn't Twitter's problem. Thanks...

On May 13, 1:42 pm, Cameron Kaiser <> wrote:
> > I'm waiting on a JS expert I know to get back to his desk to tell me
> > whether {"a":"b\\"} is valid JSON or not (as before, JSONLint says it
> > is).
> I read it as valid (i.e., DOUBLEQUOTE b BACKSLASH DOUBLEQUOTE).
> --
> ------------------------------------ personal:
>   Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems **
> -- Those are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others. -- G. Marx 
> -

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