So does this also create the scenario where followers (not count) called via
the api are different than the followers on the site? I have a client who
has spam followers appearing on our site when we call followers method via
the api and the same followers are not under her account on the site.

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Doug Williams <> wrote:

> This is a known issue:
> Thanks,
> Doug
> --
> Doug Williams
> Twitter Platform Support
> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 12:58 AM, alon <> wrote:
>> I filed  abug on this but im wondering if someone else is getting that
>> also.
>> Seems to happen to new users only:
>> One is 40+ one is 30+ . big difference between count. for some users
>> like /arik_a its 7 comparing to 47.

Peter M. Denton

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