Hi there,

I just finished a patch that will delay showing the link for 5 seconds. If your site responds and the user is connected in less than that they won't have a chance to click the link. If the page is still displayed for some reason after 5 seconds the link will appear. There is still a possibility of double-submit but this should lessen it. Does anyone see a problem with this approach?

 – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
     Twitter Dev

On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:24 PM, Abraham Williams wrote:

That is an issue when users are on slow internet connections or the target site is really slow. Not sure that I would call it a bug... but it does need a solution.

The http request from the auto redirect hits the target sites callback but before html is downloaded and the browser redraws replacing the link text from twitter the link is clicked on again causing a second http request to hit the targets sites callback.

A fix could be using the same style of javascript on the link as is used on the authorize button.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 15:25, Francis Shanahan <francisshana...@gmail.com > wrote:

Lately I've noticed once the user "Grant"s on the Twitter oAuth page,
the "Redirect" page from Twitter is showing up a little longer.

There's a typo "dosen't" on this page by the way.

The bigger problem though is that a redirect is taking place but the
browser hasn't reacted and the user has a chance to click the "click
here if you're browser doesn't redirect" link.

I'm not sure, but it seems like the token has already gone out to the
target site. If they clicks that link it introduces a bug since the
target site gets the oAuth token twice and tries to use it in exchange
for an access token.

You can test it at http://tweetarun.com

Anyone else noticed this?
Is this a bug? or is something else going on?


Abraham Williams | http://the.hackerconundrum.com
Hacker | http://abrah.am | http://twitter.com/abraham
Project | http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
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