New follower processing using the Social Graph methods will become a
bigger and bigger headache as more and more Twitter accounts grow into
the "must page" territory.

I thought I'd put a completely different approach on the table and see
what everyone thinks about it.

When doing new follower processing, one is not really interested in
the full follower list. You just want to know when a new follower
action happens on a Twitter account.

To me, this sounds like a perfect candidate for a pub-sub

Instead of Twitter taking on that additional infrastructure load, I'd
recommend you investigate whether you can make new follower actions
available via

Gnip already has the ability to segment by people, tags and keywords,
so segmenting the transactions by Twitter screen name should fit into
their current architecture.

It's a win for Twitter, because you push a new follower transaction
out once only to one single service, and you're done with it. Us
developers then grab those transactions from Gnip. It's a win for us
as well, because grabbing those transactions don't impact our site
rate limits.

This pub-sub approach could work for a number of other developer needs
as well.

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