Thanks for the quick reply, Doug. From that I would create:

if you change your screen name, that link is going to break. If it
didn't, I'd be fine with the Search API since it include screen_names
and status ids.

Or am I being obtuse and missing something in the status/show call's
return value that is permanently linkable?

On Jun 25, 11:54 am, Doug Williams <> wrote:
> With one call to the statuses/show method [1] you could have all of the
> information you need to construct the permanent URL.
> 1.
> Thanks,
> Doug
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 8:31 AM, jesse <> wrote:
> > I've been browsing the archives and I believe I know the answer to
> > this, but want to confirm.
> > I'm about to start using the Search API to, obviously, collect tweets
> > and then store summaries of them grouped by matching terms. That will
> > give us some overview stats to display for users which we'd like for
> > them to be able to drill into to see individual tweets. At that point
> > we would like to make them status and the username clickable to take
> > the user to the original status message on the .
> > The issue I'm seeing is that I can't reliably create that link
> > because:
> > 1) users can change their screen names
> > 2) there's no way to link directly to a tweet using it's status id
> > I also would rather not start over-using the normal API just to
> > recheck usernames to see if they've changed, especially since my
> > experience is that that's generally infrequent and eventually I'm
> > going to have a lot of cached user data.
> > Am I missing something?
> > Assuming not, and since I also imagine that click-throughs from my
> > site will be low, my current plan is to link to my site w/ the status
> > id, look it up in real-time, and redirect to the actualy
> > status message.
> > Anyone have thoughts on that? Additionally, since I may be in a
> > position to provide that as a service, would that be something
> > whitelist-able if we made it publicly available?

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