
Twitter4J has a following test case and it started to fail approximately 24 hours ago.
1. there are two users - "twit4j" and "twit4j2"
2. "twit4j" follows "twit4j2"
3. "twit4j2" follows "twit4j"
4. sending a direct message from "twit4j" to "twit4j2" fails with 403 Forbidden("You cannot send messages to users who are not following you.").

I'm attaching a debug log.
I couldn't find any open issues in the list.
But is this a known one?

It'll be nice if the API team can integrate my test cases which hits API regressions frequently.
Running the test cases is as simple as:
$ svn checkout http://yusuke.homeip.net/svn/twitter4j/trunk twitter4j
$ mvn install

Yusuke Yamamoto

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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Request: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]POST 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]OAuth base 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]OAuth signature:bYC8ZxKH4E2acL89pstLL/nr+j0=
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Authorization: OAuth 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]X-Twitter-Client-URL: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]User-Agent: twitter4j 
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Accept-Encoding: gzip
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]X-Twitter-Client-Version: undefined
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Post Params: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Response: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Status: 403 Forbidden
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]X-Transaction: 1246636546-37594-20498
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Set-Cookie: 
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:55:46 GMT
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, 
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]X-Revision: 
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Content-Length: 161
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Content-Encoding: gzip
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Server: hi
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Last-Modified: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:55:46 GMT
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Vary: Accept-Encoding
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <error>Could not follow user: twit4j2 is already on your list.</error>

[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Request: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]POST 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]OAuth base 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]OAuth signature:GgynK2rEdArxDEH9xK4YoWfuVKw=
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Authorization: OAuth 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]X-Twitter-Client-URL: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]User-Agent: twitter4j 
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Accept-Encoding: gzip
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]X-Twitter-Client-Version: undefined
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:46 JST 2009]Post Params: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Response: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Status: 200 OK
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]X-Transaction: 1246636547-65433-16371
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Set-Cookie: 
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]ETag: "43ec6d4642b78474378821d7bc2bca3b"-gzip
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:55:47 GMT
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, 
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]X-Revision: 
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[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Server: hi
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Last-Modified: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:55:47 GMT
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Vary: Accept-Encoding
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <description>Hi there, I do test a lot!</description>
  <created_at>Sun May 27 09:52:09 +0000 2007</created_at>
    <created_at>Fri Jul 03 15:54:49 +0000 2009</created_at>

[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Request: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]POST http://twitter.com/direct_messages/new.xml
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]OAuth base 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]OAuth signature:r8TL4TWPvjGi5Pw84Ie0wMSKKYc=
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Authorization: OAuth 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]X-Twitter-Client-URL: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]User-Agent: twitter4j 
http://yusuke.homeip.net/twitter4j/ /undefined
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Accept-Encoding: gzip
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]X-Twitter-Client-Version: undefined
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Post Params: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Response: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Status: 403 Forbidden
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]X-Transaction: 1246636547-14830-26528
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Set-Cookie: 
 domain=.twitter.com; path=/
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:55:47 GMT
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Pragma: no-cache
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, 
must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]X-Revision: 
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Connection: close
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Content-Length: 156
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Content-Encoding: gzip
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Server: hi
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Last-Modified: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:55:47 GMT
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]Vary: Accept-Encoding
[Sat Jul 04 00:55:47 JST 2009]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <error>You cannot send messages to users who are not following you.</error>

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