2009/7/3 goodtest <goodtest...@gmail.com>:
> ah I cant believe I was missing such basic point.  Thanks again
> (especially for responding on a long weekend), it works now!

Ahh, the good old attitude that the whole world is American. The rest
of us are out here ya know - we have our own timezones and



> On Jul 3, 1:06 pm, Stuart <stut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2009/7/3 goodtest <goodtest...@gmail.com>:
>> > thanks for the quick reply.   I tried not encoding the url part of it,
>> > but still twitter only recognizes the first word :(
>> >http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json?oauth_consumer_key%3DXz2BKOKO...
>> > response:
>> > {"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"text":"one","user":
>> > {"notifications":false,"description":null,"verified"
>> > :false,"utc_offset":null,"friends_count":
>> > 20,"profile_text_color":"000000","profile_background_image_url"
>> > :"http:\/\/static.twitter.com\/images\/themes\/theme1\/
>> > bg.gif","profile_image_url":"http:\/\/static.twitter
>> > .com\/images\/default_profile_normal.png","statuses_count":
>> > 18,"favourites_count":0,"profile_link_color"
>> > :"0000ff","profile_background_tile":false,"url":null,"screen_name":"tweetzi­1","name":"tweetzi1","created_at"
>> > :"Tue Jun 30 00:25:14 +0000
>> > 2009","profile_background_color":"9ae4e8","protected":false,"profile_sideba­r_fill_color"
>> > :"e0ff92","following":false,"profile_sidebar_border_color":"87bc44","locati­on":null,"id":
>> > 52243094,"time_zone"
>> > :null,"followers_count":
>> > 5},"in_reply_to_user_id":null,"favorited":false,"created_at":"Fri Jul
>> > 03 19:53
>> > :38 +0000 2009","in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"truncated":false,"id":
>> > 2458885220,"source":"<a href=\"http
>> > :\/\/gallery.zimbra.com\">Zimbra Collaboration Suite<\/a>"}
>> Encode just the values in the query string, not the entire thing. This
>> is pretty basic URL stuff, I suggest do some research into URL basics
>> before continuing since you clearly don't understand what you're
>> doing. Google can help you here.
>> -Stuart
>> --http://stut.net/projects/twitter
>> > On Jul 3, 12:07 pm, Stuart <stut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> 2009/7/3 goodtest <goodtest...@gmail.com>:
>> >> > I thought everything was working until i just sent a tweet with 4
>> >> > words, but only the first word is being posted for some reason. Please
>> >> > help .
>> >> > I think i have done all the url encoding stuffs, but somehow twitter
>> >> > is only recognizing first word. What am i missing?
>> >> > Url:
>> >> >http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json?status=onetwothree
>> >> > Post headers:
>> >> > oauth_consumer_key=Xz2BKOKObTzpLrMXxJo2ww&oauth_nonce=Pz9MVSTc2EX&oauth_sig­nature_method=HMAC-
>> >> > SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1246644337&oauth_token=52243094-
>> >> > N6lnC60D5ZY4rl1OVaemffKaqGas5aVJqAj220ykt&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_token=522­43094-
>> >> > N6lnC60D5ZY4rl1OVaemffKaqGas5aVJqAj220ykt&oauth_signature=i9NB
>> >> > +T6OQRzeQkikXMYmhwONRTM=
>> >> > encoded form:
>> >> > http%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fstatuses%2Fupdate.json%3Fstatus%3Done%20two
>> >> > %20three
>> >> > oauth_consumer_key%3DXz2BKOKObTzpLrMXxJo2ww%26oauth_nonce%3DJKBGe9GKQCM
>> >> > %26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp
>> >> > %3D1246644748%26oauth_token%3D52243094-
>> >> > N6lnC60D5ZY4rl1OVaemffKaqGas5aVJqAj220ykt%26oauth_version
>> >> > %3D1.0%26oauth_token%3D52243094-
>> >> > N6lnC60D5ZY4rl1OVaemffKaqGas5aVJqAj220ykt%26oauth_signature
>> >> > %3D7RyC21EJdprquTFdbQV2lq0IIqY%3D
>> >> > In the response.. it says:
>> >> > "text":"one"
>> >> > {"text":"one","favorited":false,"user":
>> >> > {"profile_link_color":"088253","description":null,"profile_background_tile"
>> >> > :false,"utc_offset":-28800,"verified":false,"profile_background_color":"EDE­CE9","followers_count":
>> >> > 10
>> >> > ,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/static.twitter.com\/images\/
>> >> > default_profile_normal.png","friends_count"
>> >> > :
>> >> > 15,"profile_sidebar_fill_color":"E3E2DE","url":null,"screen_name":"rajaraod­v","name":"rajaraodv","created_at"
>> >> > :"Sun Jun 22 16:10:53 +0000
>> >> > 2008","protected":false,"profile_sidebar_border_color":"D3D2CF","time_zone"
>> >> > :"Pacific Time (US & Canada)","following":null,"statuses_count":
>> >> > 23,"profile_text_color":"634047","location"
>> >> > :null,"id":
>> >> > 15198474,"notifications":null,"profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/
>> >> > static.twitter.com
>> >> > \/images\/themes\/theme3\/bg.gif","favourites_count":
>> >> > 0},"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"created_at":"Fri
>> >> >  Jul 03 18:05:43 +0000
>> >> > 2009","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"id":
>> >> > 2457422831,"in_reply_to_user_id"
>> >> > :null,"source":"<a href=\"http:\/\/apiwiki.twitter.com\/\">API<\/a>"}
>> >> > please help, what am i missing?
>> >> First of all, "one two three" is 3 words so you'll never get Twitter
>> >> to recognise it as 4.
>> >> Secondly you need to url encode the text you're passing in the status
>> >> parameter, i.e.
>> >>    http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json?status=one%20two%20three
>> >> -Stuart
>> >> --http://stut.net/projects/twitter- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

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