On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:23 PM, Chad Etzel <jazzyc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Andrew Badera<and...@badera.us> wrote:
> > I'm pretty sure it's been stated in the past that this is not the place
> to
> > advertise your apps. Maybe I'm recalling incorrectly.
> I don't remember that at all... if you can find it in the archives
> then I'll shut up about it.
> I personally like seeing new app announcements here b/c it means one
> less place I have to monitor, and I like seeing what new/innovative
> things are being built. It's also a good way to hear about potential
> competition or see that someone has done an idea that you might have
> had, but now don't have to waste your time building it.
> I think this is a very appropriate place for those emails. Devs work
> hard to build stuff; we should be able to tell other devs about our
> work when it's ready :)
> You can create a filter to auto-delete "new app" emails if you hate
> them that much.
> Anyone else feel strongly one way or the other?
> -Chad

Most reasonably professional lists have a policy of no self promotion unless
you're tactfully answering someone else's question. Let's have a simple,
separate app announcement list if you really need to be emailed about that,
but let's keep the dev list on-topic and on-task. Some of us are here for
the tech, not for the shiny stuff.

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