> Why can't you do this entirely in your code?  Why do you
> need to close the connection and reconnect?

My software keeps the local data file open as long as the 
connection is open, so the connection must be closed before 
the file can be moved or deleted.

> Closing a file, moving it, and then creating a new file
> should be able to be done extremely fast ...

I know, but these cannot be done while the connection is 
open, thus the need to close it.  And since a new connection 
will need to be opened almost immediately anyways, the 
natural way for me to close it is to open a new one.

> JSON is a much better format to use.  

Not for me it isn't.  My software has built-in XML parsing 
capabilities but it doesn't know how to deal with JSON data 
so XML is clearly the best way for me to go.  


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