Probably they think what they mentioned here is enough??

Testing 20k calls for each user might be difficult .May be we should verify
this when IP is not whitelisted.I believe for many sites, it is not uncommon
to expect 200 users/hour with each user making 100 authorized calls. This
would easily make up 20k calls/hour even when IP is not whitelisted.But I
dont know  any such popular app.:(
If they are popular they get their IP whitelisted. :(

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Bill Kocik <> wrote:

> On Jul 25, 4:47 am, srikanth reddy <> wrote:
> > @Bill Kocik
> >
> > << 3. Repeat step 1. Do both users now see 19,999? Or does one see 19,999
> > and one see 20,000?
> >
> >  jim renkel and sjepers have already tested this.I also verified with two
> > different accounts.
> > on
> > Guess what ? it is working as intended :) (20k for each user)
> Well I'll be. I've been wrong all this time. I wish someone had told
> me. And I still really wish someone from Twitter would step in and
> definitively say "Yes, it's 20K per whitelisted IP for EACH user"
> before I go apply for whitelisting, but that kind of test is difficult
> to argue with.

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