Personally I've found JavaScript based auth systems like Facebook Connect
and Google Friend Connect to be very difficult to debug and use. I am also a
lot more comfortable with PHP then JS.

As far as UX. Sign in with Twitter has the same flow as FBC and GFC. Click a
link on your site, jump to provider to authorize, and return to consumer.


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 22:12, Jesse Stay <> wrote:

> I understand the reasoning behind OAuth, and think it's a step in the right
> direction, but, does Twitter have plans to improve and move to a better Auth
> system than OAuth?  With Facebook Connect I just have to click once, and if
> the user is already logged in and approved my app, they never see the
> Facebook login box again.  Where as with Twitter there are 3 points of
> potential failure every single time the user logs in.  It's a Ux nightmare,
> IMO.  While it does solve a problem, I don't think OAuth is the end or ideal
> solution.  Are there plans to improve this process?
> Jesse
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Doug Williams <> wrote:
>> Well said, Duane.
>> Thanks,
>> Doug
>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 7:18 AM, Duane Roelands <
>> > wrote:
>>> First, let me state from the start that I am no fan of OAuth,
>>> Twitter's implementation of it, or the way that they've behaved with
>>> regard to it.  Now, with all that being said.
>>> If your website expects me to hand over my Twitter password, I'm not
>>> using your web site.  Just yesterday, another scam site (TwitViewer)
>>> managed to steal thousands of accounts, and convince other people to
>>> hand over their information because it was posting tweets from the
>>> stolen accounts.
>>> OAuth is not perfect, but it provides individual users and Twitter
>>> with a way to identify bad actors and lock them out of the ecosystem.
>>> OAuth works.  There are examples out there.  There are developers who
>>> are willing to help you.
>>> Implementing OAuth tells your customers that the security of their
>>> account is important to you, and shutting down Basic Auth trains your
>>> users to stop giving away their password.  If your product has value,
>>> and you clearly communicate what that value is, the users will use
>>> OAuth.
>>> On Jul 29, 9:10 am, Dewald Pretorius <> wrote:
>>> > It would not surprise me at all if using OAuth resulted in fewer
>>> > signups.
>>> >
>>> > Potential technical advantages of OAuth aside, every additional click
>>> > that you add in the conversion process adds an addition leakage point
>>> > where some users can and will abandon the signup process.

Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |
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