The referrer is not as important as the user-agent. You can also put
your URL in the user-agent instead.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Larry Wright<> wrote:
> In addition to setting a unique user-agent, I believe it was requested that
> we set a referrer header that pointed back to a domain.
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 9:30 AM, David Fisher <> wrote:
>> While i haven't done scientific testing of this, I was able to run up
>> to 3-4 instances of my search script prior at a time before it told me
>> to enhance my calm. Now I'm barely able to run one without hitting the
>> limit. I can put delays in my code to slow it down, but I'm wondering
>> if this is just a symptom of the aftermath of the DDoS attack or
>> something else? My server has a dedicated IP and no one else runs code
>> from it, so it isn't other people on my IP hitting the Search API.
>> Maybe I need to talk about Search API whitelisting...
>> dave
> --
> Larry Wright

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