ReTweet = Vote + Comment(visible to all followers)

I think ReTweet should be public thread chat(like reddit?), while
Reply is private chat(visible to friends)
what do you think?

On Aug 14, 7:37 am, Neil Ellis <> wrote:
> Cheers Guys
> I do like the way a lot of this grows organically. This is great  
> functionality
> and will save a lot of data mining :-)
> Neil
> On 13 Aug 2009, at 21:52, Marcel Molina wrote:
> > Retweeting has become one of the cultural conventions of the Twitter
> > experience. It's yet another example of Twitter's users discovering
> > innovative ways to use the service. We dig it. So soon it's going to
> > become a natively supported feature on It's looking like
> > we're only weeks away from being ready to launch it on our end. We
> > wanted to show the community of platform developers the API we've
> > cooked up for retweeting so those who want to support it in their
> > applications would have enough time to have it ready by launch day. We
> > were planning on exposing a way for developers to create a retweet,
> > recognize retweets in your timeline and display them distinctively
> > amongst other tweets. We've also got APIs for several retweet
> > timelines: retweets you've created, retweets the users you're
> > following have created, and your tweets that have been retweeted by
> > others.
> > - Creating Retweets
> > The API documentation for creating retweets can be found here:
> >
> > Reminder: Making requests to /statuses/retweet won't work yet as the
> > feature has not launched.
> > - Consuming Retweets in the Timeline
> > 1) Retweets in the new home timeline
> > We don't want to break existing apps that don't add retweeting support
> > or create a confusing experience for that app's users. So the
> > /statuses/friends_timeline API resource will remain unchanged--i.e.
> > retweets will *not* appear in it.
> > For those who *do* want to support retweets, we are adding a new (more
> > aptly named) /statuses/home_timeline resource. This *will* include
> > retweets. The /statuses/friends_timeline API resource will continue to
> > be supported in version 1 of the API. In version 2 it will go away and
> > be fully replaced by /statuses/home_timeline.
> > The API documentation for the home timeline, which includes retweets,
> > can be found here:
> >
> > Take a look at the example payload in the documentation. The original
> > tweet that was retweeted Thanks appears in the timeline. Notice the
> > embedded "retweet_details" element. It contains the user who created
> > the retweet as well as the date and time the retweet occurred.
> > 2) Retweeted by me timeline
> >
> > 3) Retweeted to me timeline
> >
> > 4) My tweets, retweeted
> >
> > Reminder: Making requests to any of these timelines won't work yet as
> > the feature has not launched.
> > UI considerations:
> > ------------------
> > Here are some early draft design mockups of how retweets might appear
> > on the Twitter website (don't be surprised if
> > it doesn't look exactly like this). They are presented just as an
> > example of how retweets can be differentiated visually.
> >
> > Things to note:
> > 1) It was important for us that retweets are easily differentiated
> > visually from regular tweets. If someone you follow retweets a tweet,
> > the original tweet will appear in your timeline whether you follow the
> > author of the original tweet or not, just as it currently does when
> > users use the "RT" convention. Seeing a tweet in your timeline from
> > someone you don't follow without being told it was shared from someone
> > you *do* follow could be confusing. So we're encouraging developers to
> > be mindful of this confusion and make retweets stand out visually from
> > regular tweets.
> > 2) The retweeted tweet shows the username of the first of your
> > followers to retweet it. If other's subsequently retweet the same
> > tweet, the retweet should only appear once in a user's timeline
> > That's it for now.
> > We'll be sending out more updates as we get closer to launching.
> > --
> > Marcel Molina
> > Twitter Platform Team
> >

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