At least 6
At least one capital letter
At least one non-capital letter
At least on numeric

At least 8
At least one non-alphanumeric

I'd love to provide a RegEx ... only :
a) I live in the .NET world not PHP, and,
b) There are TONS -- BAJILLIONS -- of password regexes available on
the interwebs that describe every frickin' reasonable permutation of

∞ Andy Badera
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On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Xpineapple<> wrote:
> I could probably play with regex all day and get no where (and so far
> am).  While I could make some progress, I don't know all the rules for
> a good password.  My intent is to ensure server (and service) are
> safe.  With that in mind, can anyone provide a "fair enough" regex
> example of sanatizing a password for twitter service? Thanx.

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