This is good news. No one will be getting sued over Tweet then.

Yet, keep in mind that Twitter probably *could * shut off access to
the API to any company they choose, as its their playground and their
rules. Not that they'll start doing that at all however.

On Aug 19, 1:57 pm, Sam Johnston <> wrote:
> [refer to the article itself for the inline links - @samj]
> Twitter's "Tweet" Trademark 
> Torpedoed
> Last month Twitter founder Biz Stone announced in a blog post (May The
> Tweets Be With You) that they "have applied to trademark Tweet because
> it is clearly attached to Twitter from a brand perspective".  This
> understandably caused widespread upset as the word "tweet" has been
> used generically by users for some time as well as in any number of
> product names by independent software vendors. Here's some samples
> from the resulting media storm:
>     * CNET News: Is Twitter freaking out over 'tweet' trademark?
>     * TechExpert: Twitter Trying to Trademark "Tweet"
>     * LA Times: Will Twitter trademark 'tweet' before it’s
> genericized?
>     * PC Magazine: Twitter Trying to Trademark 'Tweet'
>     * TechCrunch: Twitter Grows “Uncomfortable” With The Use Of The
> Word Tweet In Applications
>     * TechCrunch: Twitter To Developers: “Tweet” Your Heart Out, But
> Don’t “Twitter” It
>     * Bloomberg: Twitter Lays Claim to ‘Tweet’ Trademark in Bid to
> Protect Brand
> What they failed to mention though was that according to USPTO records
> (#77715815) not only had they actually applied some months before (on
> 16 April 2009) but that their application had been refused that very
> same day (1 July 2009).
> According to documents from the Trademark Document Retrieval system,
> their lawyers (Fenwick & West LLP) were notified of the rejection by
> email to that day. The USPTO had explained that
> "marks in prior-filed pending applications may present a bar to
> registration of applicant’s mark. [...] If the marks in the referenced
> applications register, applicant’s mark may be refused registration
> under Trademark Act Section 2(d) because of a likelihood of confusion
> between the two marks", referencing and attaching not one, not two but
> three separate trademark applications:
>     * #77695071 for TWEETMARKS (pending receipt of Statement of Use)
>     * #77697186 for COTWEET (pending clarification)
>     * #77701645 for TWEETPHOTO (pending transfer to Supplemental
> Register)
> Now I may not be a lawyer (I did play a role in overturning Dell's
> "cloud computing" and Psion's "Netbook" trademarks) but given all
> three of the marks identified look like proceeding to registration (it
> only takes one to rain on their parade), it's my non-expert opinion
> that Twitter has a snowflake's chance in hell of securing a monopoly
> over the word "Tweet".
> That's too bad for Twitter but it's great news for the rest of the
> community as it's one less tool for locking in Twitter's rapidly
> growing microblogging monopoly. People do use the word "tweet"
> generically (including with non-Twitter services) and if Twitter, Inc.
> were successful in removing it from the public lexicon then we could
> all suffer in the long run.
> In any case it is neither serious nor safe for one company to become
> the "pulse of the planet" and that is why I will be following up with
> a series of posts as to how distributed social networking can be made
> a reality through open standards (if that stuff is of interest to you
> then subscribe and/or follow me for updates). I've also got some
> interesting things in the pipeline in relation to standards and
> trademarks in general so watch this space.
> Anyway it just goes to show that with trademarks you need to "use it
> or lose it". The "propagation delay" of the media has dropped from
> months at the outset to near real-time today so companies need to move
> fast to protect their marks or lose them forever. As for whether the 1
> July post was a scramble to protect the mark on receipt of the USPTO's
> denial, whether the USPTO was acting in response to it, or whether it
> was just a coincidence and particularly bad timing I don't know. I
> don't really care either as the result is the same, but I would like
> to believe that the USPTO is becoming more responsive to the needs of
> the community (after all, they revoked Dell's cloud computing
> trademark in the days following the uproar, despite having already
> issued a "Notice of Allowance" offering it to them).

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