Cool indeed. Speaking of GeoRSS: why enclose georss:point within a new
"geo" element? Why not use georss:where?

On Aug 21, 12:32 am, Nelson Minar <> wrote:
> Very exciting! Thanks for giving the community an early preview.
> GeoRSS supports altitude and accuracy measures for point locations as
> well. in GeoRSS-Simple, it's something like
> <georss:point>45.256 -110.45</georss:point>
> <georss:radius>500</georss:radius>
> <georss:elev>313</georss:elev>
> (at that lat/long, within 500 meters, at an elevation 313 meters above
> the WGS84 ellipsoid).
> Any plan to support that in the Twitter API? Radius is very useful for
> dealing with inaccurate geolocation, and elevation (or <georss:floor>)
> can help distinguish exactly where someone is.
> These links may be relevant to the discussion:
> W3C Geolocation API:
> (Javascript API to location. Safari supports this nicely on the
> iPhone.)
> iPhone CLLocation 
> API:
> Both APIs specify position as latittude, longitude, horizontal
> accuracy, altitude, and vertical accuracy.

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