not sure about GAE, but for AWS, you can request for a static IP, it
costs some $, but it's the only way to work with Twitter API if rate
limit is an issue for you

On Aug 21, 1:29 pm, BenHedrington <> wrote:
> I agree GAE throttle on the Search API is not behaving as it has in
> the past, Can someone please look into this?
> -Ben Hedrington
> On Aug 21, 11:48 am, Jud <> wrote:
> > I've got a python app running on Google App Engine (appspot hosted)
> > that queries
> > queries (e.g. "foo OR bar"), and it's being severely throttled (e.g.
> > can't get a successful request through (response 200 w/ data) more
> > than a couple of times per _hour_).
> > - I'm setting the UA string to something unique/identifiable (e.g. my
> > company name)
> > - I'm respecting the retry-after header coming back when I see a 503
> > (average retry-after duration is ~750)
> > - GAE turns the IP address behind the app over ~ every 6 hours
> > - app hits tries to hit every 5 minutes.
> > I've successfully polled the endpoint at much higher rates (in
> > completely different IP address ranges) in the past, without issue.
> > Unclear what's going on. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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