having the same issue.. no results after page 101

On Jul 22, 4:48 pm, atifzshaikh <atif.zsha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Seems to be working now, I guess it was a temporary thing.  Would help
> if I knew what caused it :) thanks.
> On Jul 22, 3:55 pm, atifzshaikh <atif.zsha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have been trying to get the friends/followers list using the REST
> > API but I always get an empty users node after page 101.  The GET
> > request URL looks like this:
> >    http://www.twitter.com/statuses/followers.xml?screen_name=barackobama...
> > I get the same result regardless of type, XML or JSON, and it happens
> > when retrieving the friends list as well.  All my requests are
> > authenticated using OAuth, but even if I use the web browser to make
> > an unauthenticated request and the put the above URL in I get the same
> > result.  At first I thought it was a rate limit issue but the IP
> > address I am making the requests from is white listed and when I made
> > the request I checked my rate limit and it was more than 10k at the
> > time.  We all know Barack Obama has more than 101 pages of followers
> > so it can't be the last page.
> > Any help or advice will be appreciated.
> > Thanks

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