Hi all,

This isn't specific to the app I'm building at the moment, but the recent
thread on how to determine who is using your application reminded me of a
general question I have about the APIs.

Is there is an API call to return information about updates done via a given
application? (i.e. the information which is available via the website about
which application was used to post a given status update). Ideally I could
see utility for queries of this form via multiple of the API's - as a filter
on the streaming API's for example or as an option to filter upon via other
API's calls or just as metadata inherent with each update which an app could
choose whether or not to use in some manner.

Ideal would be options to both positively filter and negatively filter -
i.e. for an app to offer a blacklist of applications your users do not wish
to see updates which were posted by those apps (but might want to see some
aggregated information about what you have negatively filtered - i.e.
@rycaut has 3 recent updates from PlaySpymaster which aren't displayed etc.

At scale I could also see useful data for the developer community about
activity & usage patterns of our applications - both raw usage (i.e. # of
status updates) but also diversity of usage (# of unique users, % of those
users' updates per app type, etc). Potentially as well Twitter might offer
aggregated data about usage patterns (perhaps only as relative usage w/o
specific data) which could include patterns of usage from even accounts set
private (without revealing anything about those accounts  just adding their
data into aggregated totals - and again if the specific data isn't shown
then certain attacks on privacy could be avoided)

Anyway, perhaps there are already ways to access this data, if so I'd
appreciate a pointer to them, if not, I hope this sparks some discussion.


Founder, Nearness Function - strategic consulting, brand advertising &
Twitter - rycaut
Blogs: Slow Brand - http://slowbrand.com
Searching for the Moon - http://shannonclark.wordpress.com

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