I was trying to change my old app for the new OAuth authentication. I'm using *.NET C#*
I could get my *token* and *tokenSecret*. Ok. So i try to test *verify_credentials.xml* looks like this: http://twitter.com/account/verify_credentials.xml ?*oauth_consumer_key*=xxxxxx &*oauth_nonce*=xxxxxx &*oauth_signature_method*=HMAC-SHA1 &*oauth_timestamp*=1251398498 &*oauth_token*=xxxxxx &*oauth_signature*=%2bgUJx2ydmVWdoLgdGrFWfwy0efg%3d And i received this message: *<error>Could not authenticate you.</error>* *But...* If i put this link directly on browser some message box appear with: The API requer a login and password Login: Password: If a put my pass and login i can get the right return: <user> <id>XXXXX</id> <name>pipocadr</name> <screen_name>pipocadr</screen_name> <location/> <description/> - <profile_image_url> http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/299177807/3D_normal.png </profile_image_url> <url/> *This is the basic auth or oauth? I pass my token and tokenSecret and consumerKey etc... So how can i get the result?* Best Regards