Not app specific but as a user via the web I am noticing the following
possibly related behaviors:

- new users showing up in my followers list w/o an email being sent

- emails being sent about new followers w/o the follower showing up in my
followers list

- followers i blocked still showing up in my followers list (with one
follower I had to block I think 4 times for it to finally stick)


On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Paul Kinlan <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I too am seeing a similar issue.  I have had a lot of users say that this
> is occurring even going so far to raise chargebacks against my service.
> I also notice that friendships/create often returns a 200 but the response
> is empty, when normally you get the information about the person being
> followed.  I am ignoring the blank responses for now, but I don't know if
> that is correct as I can't tell if these are followed or not bearing in mind
> that even if user information is returned the user still might not be
> followed.
> Paul
> 2009/8/31 PJB <>
>> Woke up this morning to find that several of our users have written in
>> noting that friendship actions taken through our application are not
>> working.
>> We confirmed this problem, across multiple IPs and multiple different
>> apps.  Friendships/create works inconsistently: about 30% of the time
>> they work as expected, and the new friends immediately appear in
>> friends/ids API call, as well as when logging into and
>> looking at the new friends pages (we see "following").
>> Another 30% appear to be delayed for several hours, during which time
>> a call to friends/ids does NOT show new friends' ids (nor on
>>  Another 30% appears to be lost forever (or severely
>> lagged).
>> All of these friendship creates are returning no errors.
>> A search of "@twitterapi" on Twitter indicates that this is a (fairly)
>> widespread problem.
>> Can Twitter give us some idea as to when this problem will be
>> resolved?  Any chance you can also add a status update for this
>> problem so we can point users to that page?

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