I asked this, and similar but more detailed questions, in my Aug 18,
7:35 pm post to this thread:


but, unfortunately, have not yet received an answer, at least none
that I can find.

Could someone from twitter (Marcel Molina?) please address these

I think they are pretty important. I need to know the answers to be
able to design support for retweets in my site (http://twxlate.com). I
would hope I wouldn't have to resort to experimentation once this
feature is deployed at twitter.com to get answers to what I think are
pretty fundamental questions.

Thanks in advance,

Jim Renkel

On Aug 14, 1:35 pm, Houshang Nayeb <shang...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have the following question:
> If one of my tweets is retweeted multiple times, what will be the
> return value of “retweets_of_me.format” ? Will it be one record with
> multiple “<retweet_details>” sections?
> If yes, will there be a “count” for the number of times it has been
> retweeted?
> If no, then what happens?
> Thanks!

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