Its going to be hard to please everyone, if there is a delay when
followers are actually being added to the list, then users will be
confused or annoyed why the following numbers are out of sync. People
generally expect realtime changes, especially on twitter where many
people use it to have realtime conversations. People get annoyed when
you make them wait 10 seconds let alone 24 hours.

Ideally, twitter could update the cache of the users who the offending
account was following.. Not saying its an easy solution, but twitter
knows every account that the user was following and looping through
those users to remove the spam account in theory would not be too
difficult.  Quick and dirty solution would be to just invalidate the
cache for the users that who the spam account follows, but that would
put extra load on their backend.. They do have some method of keeping
the list realtime, as when valid users follow or un-follow it is
pretty much instantaneous, it just a matter of doing the looping to
unfollow everyone that the offending account follows using the
existing code path.

I am sure someone at twitter has already thought of this, but its not
very high priority for them. Someone has to write the script for the
abuse team to use to perform this action and I think the developers
are probably pretty busy already.

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